Sunday 30 December 2012

30/12 Update

Tonight was supposed to be my orgasm night to celibate 1 full week of lock up.
New Years Eve she was going to set how long into the New Year I would have to wait to be free again, I was guessing valentines day which would be about 6-7 weeks of denial.

She let me out of my cage then asked me what would be more frustrating, being able to cum then being locked back up or not being allowed to cum and being locked back up. I told her obviously it would be the latter.
She said ok, she was going to play with me but I wasn't allowed to cum and I was to lock myself up at the end as I had been bad in the week.
I had been bad one night looking at things I should have been (I won't say anymore).

Obviously I was disappointed at not being allowed to orgasm but thrilled that she was taking control and truly punishing me from my indiscretion.

I'm no not sure when I will be let out again and when I will get to cum.

A very exciting time, the most seriously she had played todate.

Friday 28 December 2012

28/12 Update

Just a quick update, I've been locked now for 5 days solid.
I have tried to keep the communication up between us so I know what she likes and what she doesn't etc though it's difficult to get feedback without pushing for a reply. Obviously I don't want to push too much as I might ruin what we've started.

I was being to much of a pest so I've tried to calm down a bit.
I was away yesterday and she is out with friends tonight so no teasing for a couple of nights though I don't mind. I appreciate whilst I'm locked 24/7 it's not the same for her, a tease once or twice a week would be ample if I've been good.

I think she is enjoying having me locked and enjoying the power it gives her. We just both need to stay on track for a couple of weeks for it to become more of the norm rather than a short game.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

A chastity journey

Let me give you a brief overview of our journey so far.
My husband suggested chastity about five years ago, we played all of the various games, however over time we always lost interest.
This was either because we both got busy, I couldn't be bothered to make sure he was locked or he reached the end of the game and avoided being locked up again.
Well in some ways they were all valid reasons however it prevented us both achieving the most from chastity.
I realize now it boils down to too simple thing things, I want him to be more attentive such as cuddles and help around the house and he wanted me to be attentive, such as me dressing up sexy more often and me initiating sex rather than him always taking the lead.
These both needs are a fair way apart but chastity brings the together.
A couple of years ago he suggested we should try again, I agreed to play as I liked the attention chastity gave me.
We had played many times before but for some reason this time something inside me just clicked. I was much more demanding, do this for me get that for me etc and he seemed to respond so well that it pushed me on demanding more and more.
We had and agreed release date and the big day arrived, trouble is I was in a bad mood, not his fault just one of those things.
We started out with the session as we had many times before, me dressed up all sexy him lying there begging for it, then I thought this is supposed to be all about me and yet here I am doing on the work.
In reflection this is probably unfair of me as he had waited on me hand and foot for two months, but I had given him the odd treat and as I said I was in a bad mood.
It was at this point when I just snapped inside, I thought to hell with this I know where this is going, he will have his fun, then I will struggle to get him locked back up as he will lose interest, then after a couple of days I will lose interest as well, my perfect attentive husband will be gone and we will be back to the old ways.
So I said to him, let me know when you get close because I have a surprise for you, he told me I'm close so I stopped.
I said I wanted to lock him back and I would like to give him a treat tomorrow.
After some moaning and whining he agreed.
That then confirmed it for me, he was going to have his fun and it would be over.
The next day I dressed up again really sexy, probably better than the day before, partly because my mood was better and partly because I had a plan.
By this time he had been locked up for nearly 2 months, as you could imagine, he was gagging for it so to speak!
I stood there took a deep breath and told him I wasn't letting him have his orgasm, straight away he started to protest and there was some genuine anger in his voice. I said he had better calm down otherwise I would make him wait another month.
He said that next time I let him out to go to work he would do the deed, I said that seeing as that was his attitude I wasn't going to let him out.
Much argument from him ensued, I said to him I was not talking anymore and he would just have to accept it, it was his idea to play the game and it was his idea to give me control and he should accept the fact is was taking control.
I walked out of the room and went to watch TV.
Some time later he appeared and apologized for he attitude and actions, It seemed really funny to me as he stood their like a naughty school boy.
I didn't really believe my luck, I really though I would have to let him out and that was that, but here were him accepting my full control of him.
Things continued much as they had before, he was very attentive carrying out all of my instructions and I was giving him the odd full on tease night every couple of weeks, though I always kept him locked up.
He said he had been true to me and he hadn't cheated when I let him out of the cage to go too work, but I couldn't be sure.
After some research on the web, which I would like to add took sometime, there is so much rubbish on the web about chastity most of it leather wearing dominatrix which is so much fantasy, but I digress, I found a company who made a device called chastity tubes.
The principle was simple it was a very small short tube which went over his penis and was locked on with a piercing.
I wasn't overly happy with the though of getting him pierced, to be honest it seemed almost a step to far but the fact I could have him locked 24/7 and not have to keep letting him out for work really excited me.
I saved the link on the computer and decide to discuss it with him.
I made sure this was on a tease night to ensure he would be in the best mood and most likely to agree.
He wasn't very keen and keep coming up with what seemed to me to be excuses.
In the end I got angry and accused him of making excuses, I said if you have not been cheating on me what's the problem? You have already gone 3 months? His eyes flicked to the ground and I realized he was lying he had been cheating.
I was really pissed of, there was me getting dressed up all sexy, buying new outfits and he was cheating.
I gave him the choice either we got a new device or the chastity play would stop.
I suddenly realized what I had said, what if he really wouldn't agree, by this time I was getting more pleasure from the game than him.
I'm not sure why I doubted myself, there was I dressed up all sexy, he didn't really even have a choice he had far too much to lose.
So by the end of the week the new device was on order and by the end of the month he was pierced.
It took a further 5 weeks before he could start wearing the new device full time as the piercing needed time to heal.
That was all over a year ago.
Now I remove the device once a week and supervise while he gives himself a good clean, other than that the amount effort I have to put in has diminished greatly, he gets a tease night now maybe once a month, sometimes more if I'm horney.
His last orgasm was about 4 months ago and counting.
He used to go on about chastity all of the time and he used to pester me for treats, now that the game is permanent we both seem to have reached another level in our relationship.
Often my girlfriends comment on how wonderful my husband is and how he treats my like a princess, I almost feel guilty not sharing my secret.
I am sure many people like me started out in the journey, but very few make it as far as we have.
My story though rambling at times is offered as encouragement that the initial benefits can last and with a bit of work a new lifestyle awaits.


I was locked all day today.
Lots of sexy cuddles from me to her (I hope I wasn't a pest or coming on too strong) hopefully in time she will do the same back to me, a quick sexy cuddle is such a tease in itself.

Nighttime she put on one of my favourite sexy tops, I gave her pleasure, she teased me whilst I was still securely locked. The key was in another room, she didn't bring it with her making it fairly clear to me I wasn't getting out tonight.

After our bit of fun she told me I would stay locked until New Years Eve.
Thats fine with me, the longest I've gone without orgasm was 8 weeks, what makes it different this time is I'm away for a night later in the week. Normally she doesn't like to send me away locked up, obviously this is sweet of her as she cares for me in case something happened whilst I was away but of course being set free whilst away somewhat does away with the concept of chastity and her control.

Being sent away locked brings the game to a new level, it also seems to indicate a new level of determination and control from her.

Very exciting :-)

It's been an exciting couple of days

She asked to play again, reflecting on last time and not locking myself I did as she requested.
All day on the 24th I was in my device though the lock wasn't closed. I gave her the keys during the day.
That evening we had a passionate cuddle, I reminded her the lock wasn't shut and it was up to her what happened.
I pleasured her whilst she teased me in my cage, she has a nice orgasm.
We cuddled, I was waiting to see what would happen, in the past she would let me orgasm then I wouldn't want to be locked up and she would forget.
This time she said "I've decided to keep you locked for a bit" with that she clicked the lock closed.
Those words and the loud click of the lock made my heart jump, OMG is this time it for real? A slight panic and a big rush of excitement.
I think she enjoys the game, I hope she does and she isn't just playing for me.

Monday 24 December 2012

Great tease photo


We didn't start, partly my fault she asked me to lock up but I chickened out.
I always want to play until we have sex then I lose interest and don't want to be locked, few days later I want to play again. Very mixed up.

I guess next time I need to be strong with myself.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Status update

We are going to start up again tonight.
I am really excited.......
I just hope we can get into a pattern for a couple of weeks and stay on track.

I came across this, its long to read, but very thought provoking

Chastity & female led relationship
Don't expect (and don't let your man expect) that you are going to become a full-blown 24 hour a day "in charge" lady of the house barking orders all day. That is a nice fantasy, but not for everyone. Certainly not for me. If some day, you think you would love that, then go for it. But to start, it must be clear that you will experiment in steps, and whatever balance you find works for you is the one that will stick (that is, balance between "how life used to be" and "times when the man specifically serves you to please you."
Possibly, a large part of your mate's fantasy is the idea that you are demanding a service from him. If this has not been present at failed attempts to achieve a servitude situation, he might have been instead asking you. Nagging you, perhaps, sometimes.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Would you like a backrub?"
"Is there anything I can do for you right now?"
And so on and so on. You may not mind this. Sometimes, women find it to be nagging when it is poured on too thick. I know that I do. There is a difference between helpful and badgering. There are some times that I simply do not want/need help or fawning and I have my own things going on.
How can you avoid this? Demand. Simply demand. And you do not have to be a bitch, or harsh. Just know what you want, and request it. Make sure you communicate with your male partner about how he feels regarding "random demands" -- would this push his buttons, or make him feel uncomfortable? My bet is most men who are into serving would enjoy a random, spontaneous demand.
Take some time to think about what would help you one day. What would make your day better. Would it be a nice bath? Ask for one. Would it be that a closet is cleaned out and re-organized? Ask for it.
Even take a simple errand, something in the past where you might have called him on his cell phone on the way home and say "Oh, honey, I just realized we are out of milk, can you stop by the store?" Change that to a demand. Playfully. The call would instead be,
"Hello my pet. I want a half gallon of milk, and I want you to go get it, on your way home. Understand? Do not let me down."
Once you get more used to making you demands you can try adding a serious tone. In other words, you are not requesting he fulfills a task. You are telling him how, when, where, and what the results should be.
Again, check with your partner to see how he feels about this. I have found that most men like more detailed instructions if they are being given demands. And if they don't get that, they ask follow up questions, and that starts to get on my nerves. I am not sure why some do this. They say it is because "I just want to make sure I get it right" and I suppose that is understandable, but sometimes I think they just want more demands to stretch out the fantasy.
This can be avoided by proactively being detailed in your demands, being specific and almost taking it to a level that seems extreme. Remember, he is relishing in the moment that you take a normal request and make it into a *demand*. So that means the more words that come from you, the more he is sinking deeper into a place where he's thrilled. Make a game out of it. Remember that milk example? Two versions of it:
Demand style one:
"My pet. Get milk on the way home, understand?"
Demand style two, with more flair:
"My pet. How are you? Good. I have a demand for you. And don't think you can say no. I want you to stop and get milk on the way home. I want a half gallon, and I want you to check the expiration date on it and don't get me something that is going to expire soon. I want you to also go pick up a magazine, I feel like reading something. But make sure it is something I will enjoy"
(or, change the "added demand" to something simple that will please you. Tell him to stop and buy an inexpensive bouquet of flowers they sell at the store. Or a pint of ice cream. )
It is important to remember, as you give a demand, that you do not need to be a bitch, but often men respond to a stern tone. Remember, this is not you BEING bitchy, or being FAKE. This is playful. You can pick your own style. You can be cool and steady in your tone, you can be a smiling type, cooing a little, indulging in the control.
So, in summary, if you turn a normal request into a demand he will feel more as though he is providing a service to you - not just doing a quick favor for his partner. That changes his mindset, and helps scratch that itch he has.
Now, to the next part.

There must be an acknowledgement of the act to show the man you KNEW it was a demand, you demanded it, and he did it. When he returns with the milk, you check the expiration date (he is nervous), you nod in approval, and you perhaps follow up with a few questions. You must remind him that you did not write this off as a quick request and practically forgot about it. After all, this is a demand - something YOU wanted.
What happens if you don't do this? In some cases, the man might push for it. "I got you the milk." If no response, he might continue to bring it up. The unknowing woman might be getting annoyed.
 And finally, the last part….
A reward, at the minimal, is a "thank you." Many women with submissive husbands who are trying to play the role think that "thank you" is adequate. And you may wonder why it is not. Well, it goes back to his wiring, and again, making the act more of a longer, more involved process for him - and in his insatiable "desire to serve" probably the single most motivating factor for him is *knowing he made his lady happy*
It's pretty hard to get excited about a half gallon of milk. I'm not suggesting you glorify the moment. But depending on the nature of the act (did he pick up some milk? Did he mow the lawn and he is a sweaty mess? Did he fix you a fantastic bath?) - you should display some sort of "affectionate reward" - still, in that commanding tone. Playful, yet confident, if you like. Or stern, approving. A pat on the head (some men are very fond of things like that), a slap on the tush, or an actual reward. This is different from the kind of appreciation you are used to showing. While I am sure he would enjoy it, the response "I am so grateful for that, thank you, you really helped me" …..if you appeal to his servant side, his fantasy of you being commanding, a more scintillating comment may be, "What a good boy you are. You did exactly as I told you."
Final thoughts
Ladies, if your partner has indicated he likes this kind of behavior from you, you need to sample various ways to approach it, communicate with him on which ones push his buttons and find out which ones really push yours. Know that you do not have to do this all the time. Do it when it suits you.
Try to come up with a few tasks that you would appreciate being handled, and dish them out to him. Or make him indulge you on the things you enjoy, but instead of having him nag you if you want them (when he's trying to be proactive and helpful), head him off at the pass and demand them.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Current status

Still not locked.
I have texted a couple of times asking if she would like to play our game again.

No reply so far, though she has been very busy

Another key kept on an ankle chain

There's your key on my ankle chain, the key is low to the ground worshiping my feet as you should be.


I like the idea of the key holder keeping the key on an ankle chain.
To me a part of the chastity experience is about submission to your partner, having the key kept on the ankle is almost a way of showing how low down the food chain the locked penis is.
It's not worthy of being kept anywhere else and is of little importance.

Representation of the chastity cycle

I think this is spot on.
We've been over the 21 day mark a couple of times.
I know I am a pest until that point then something kicks in and in a strange way the horneyness subsides but the attentiveness remains.

I guess that is why many people adopt a longer chastity cycle.
If you get to have an orgasm every month you never fully get to apprechaited the change that occurs a 21 days and beyond.

Monday 22 October 2012

Funny story

I came across this the other day. It made me smile.

"Happy Easter"

Easter Sunday marked the end of Lent. 73 days ago I set the date of Chris’s next orgasm. At the time it seemed like an impossible stretch for him to manage, but the time has flown by. At least it has for me LOL ! Lent is about self denial and I decided that the end of Lent would be a suitable day for his next release.

It’s been a hectic past 2 ½ months, at work and at play. Although I had locked Chris before and after we married last August, He hadn’t had a ‘proper’ long period of denial that would give both of us the thrill (physical and emotional) we craved.

This long term denial dynamic has changed chastity for me and Chris. I no longer relyed on my husband for sex as I did, I have found a number of new ways to pleasure myself. I still desire oral and massage from Chris, they’re becoming more of a fallback. This is a very subtle, shifting change. In no way do I love or want Chris any less, and our play is hotter than ever. But in pure sex terms, it feels different.

Chastity has become less of a sex game and more of a ‘way of life’ now. It’s how Chris wanted to live (or, more accurately, how he wanted to be made to live) and now I wouldn't have it any other way. Although he enjoys a range of play and my domination of him, chastity is the most important ingredient of our marriage for him (whereas that’s not strictly true for me). 73 days was very tough, but he said just now he feels like a keen jogger who’s completed a marathon. Exhausted, aching but proud.

A few days before the Big Day, I began to think about how I could make today's orgasm ‘special’. I even posted a question asking for suggestions in the Enforced Chastity group on Fetlife. I wanted it to be special, in the sense of memorable. However, I had an idea that I’d kept secret from Chris, I purchased a plastic doll online and took delivery without him knowing.

Yesterday (Saturday), Chris and I attended the joint 40th birthday of old friends of ours. It was a fabulous sunny day and we had a great time. Although my writing on here focuses on the kink part of my life, I enjoy our vanilla social circle of friends every bit as much. Today (Easter Sunday) at lunchtime we went for a pub meal by the river in London. Warm weather always make me feel sexier than winter chill, and the unseasonably hot period we’ve been having in England has really got my libido spiced up ! I drank white wine, Chris had lime and soda (he’s banned from booze for a year – and he was driving anyway).

When we got home, I took a Cialis 20 mg tablet out of the drawer and gave it to Chris to swallow. There’s a lot of BS spoken about Viagra and Cialis by those who don’t know. It doesn’t make a guy horny or automatically erect. But it does make him super-stiff, super-sensitive and gives him staying power. Cialis is not cheap and we keep them for rare occasions.

It was time for Chris’s treat, he undressed and stood at the end of our bed and I made a great ceremony of removing his chastity tube.

Chris started to jack his cock hard. I took over control and instructed Chris to slow-stroke himself; slower, faster, stop, left handed, right handed, etc. I continued edge play for a while. Then it was time for my surprise !

I went to my wardrobe and produced ‘Vanessa’. She’s a life size doll I bought online (plug for – efficient, discreet service). Chris’s expression was a picture ! He and I’d never discussed blow up dolls before and the idea just came to me out of the blue a couple of weeks ago. I placed her on the bed and patted the sheet. I told Chris to put his fingers in my pussy to get the juices to lubricate his partner’s imitation hole. Then I said he had only one minute to make himself cum until I locked him back up.

I have to say, it was genuinely hysterical. Vibrators are one thing but dolls bring a whole new meaning to the words ‘sex toy’. But Chris wasn’t worried, I guess he was so desperate he just balanced precariously over the legless, big-boobed fake woman and jiggled his erection into the tight slit. I’d planned to force myself to giggle loudly at him but I couldn't help laughing at Chris’s bouncing bottom anyway, without any need to pretend. In under 50 seconds, he let out an enormous groan.

It’s an irony to me that, although I’ve learned to love our chastity play, I enjoy watching Chris cum almost as much as denying him. I’ve always liked that moment when men lose themselves in ecstasy. I cuddled him while he slowly came down to earth after his excitement.

But then I gave him my ‘coup de grace’. I told him to cum again, sloppy seconds inside his rubber doll. His eyes stared at me in shock, then gradual realisation. We’ve agreed that his target for 2012 is a maximum of 9 orgasms. By allowing him 2 of them today, he utilised a double dose of his annual allowance.

It’s now 8 p.m. Chris is locked back up and we about to curl up and watch a movie together. Tomorrow is a Bank Holiday here and we’re going to spend it in vanilla, loving fashion. My only question, nagging at the back of my brain, is when does Chris get to cum next? And will it be with me or Vanessa?

Friday 19 October 2012

Tied 2

This makes it a bit clearer, she is probably saying "I know you been locked for a month and I know tonight was supposed to be your release night but now I have a strap on to satisfy me, which is twice as long and twice as thick as you I don't see the need to let you out. You are now so attentive I worry if I let you cum you will go back to your old selfish ways. Perhaps if you are good and you beg enough I will let you out next month"

Tied 1

Tied and teased, I wonder what she is saying to him?

Thursday 4 October 2012

It wasn't to be

I was hoping this was going to be me in the picture, serving my wife, being under her control but unfortunately it wasn't to be.
My wife has been very busy and is very tired, she forgot to lock me up. I waited Wednesday but nothing.
Part of me was glad, part of me was sad.

No mention of it from her since the text a couple of days ago.

My conclusions can only be;

1 - She not really into the game and only plays for me
2 - She was to tired and forgot

I will have to wait and see, time will tell.........

Wednesday 3 October 2012


The day has arrived, tonight it's lock up time.
I love being locked, I'm a better husband to my wife when I am and I think she likes being in control.
She seems to be excited by have me locked and it rekindles passion in her.

Trouble is I've been pleasuring myself in preparation for the lock down. It could be months until my next release so I've been making the most of my free time :-)

It works in a very strange way, when I've not orgasmed for a few days the idea of being locked is hot and sexy, I think of all the benefits and how it seems to improve our relationship, when I've recently cum it feels like such a bad idea an I get cold feet.....

Thats probably why it hasn't worked before. I suppose if my wife liked having me locked that much she would make sure I put it on, so we will wait and see.........

Tuesday 2 October 2012


I received a text this morning "It starts tom night after a little treat if you show any resistance after your treat a weeks penalty will be added to the length you pick out the hat! I will decide as we go along the penalties if you pester or don't do what you are meant to have done but you will be given 1 warning prior to them coming in to effect! Treats will be awarded as and when xx"

Looks like she is looking forward to locking me up as much as I like her being in control. The text made my mind race, excitement, fear, horneyness....... More fear.......

Some of the fear is losing control and some is if she locks me up and forgets about me.

Monday 1 October 2012

The game is about to start

We have played with chastity on and off for a number of years.
Some games have lasted longer than others. The longest I've gone without an orgasm was just over 3 months. It was a year or so ago.

The main problem we have is getting me back in after the device is removed. My keyholder is not the whip wheedling dominatrix she is a loving wife. It is hard for her to be tough on me because so loves me so much.
She does enjoy playing the game and a change happens to her when I'm locked. She loves teasing me and I think she loves having control and power over me.
The game is due to start Wednesday this week. I am going to be teased, allowed to orgasm then locked down for a length of time yet to be determined.
My wife is going to put a number of different lengths of lock up time on some pieces of paper and we will draw from a hat.
This to me is a tease in its self as I do not know what is going to be put on the paper and how many of each one is going in. She could put 10 pieces of paper in there all with 6 months written on them, then say oh dear you got 6 months......
For this to work she will need to dispose of the papers after the game without me having the opportunity to have a sneaky look (which I would do give the chance) then I will never know if it was fate or an example of the control she has over me.
To try and keep me in the device she is going to lock a cuff on my arm every time my chastity belt is removed that way we can be sure I put it back on to get the cuff taken off my arm.

I am very excited looking forward to my tease, orgasm and the new game.

I've got a knot in my stomach, how long will I get? 1 month, 3 months? More???