Wednesday 12 December 2012

I came across this, its long to read, but very thought provoking

Chastity & female led relationship
Don't expect (and don't let your man expect) that you are going to become a full-blown 24 hour a day "in charge" lady of the house barking orders all day. That is a nice fantasy, but not for everyone. Certainly not for me. If some day, you think you would love that, then go for it. But to start, it must be clear that you will experiment in steps, and whatever balance you find works for you is the one that will stick (that is, balance between "how life used to be" and "times when the man specifically serves you to please you."
Possibly, a large part of your mate's fantasy is the idea that you are demanding a service from him. If this has not been present at failed attempts to achieve a servitude situation, he might have been instead asking you. Nagging you, perhaps, sometimes.
"Can I get you anything?"
"Would you like a backrub?"
"Is there anything I can do for you right now?"
And so on and so on. You may not mind this. Sometimes, women find it to be nagging when it is poured on too thick. I know that I do. There is a difference between helpful and badgering. There are some times that I simply do not want/need help or fawning and I have my own things going on.
How can you avoid this? Demand. Simply demand. And you do not have to be a bitch, or harsh. Just know what you want, and request it. Make sure you communicate with your male partner about how he feels regarding "random demands" -- would this push his buttons, or make him feel uncomfortable? My bet is most men who are into serving would enjoy a random, spontaneous demand.
Take some time to think about what would help you one day. What would make your day better. Would it be a nice bath? Ask for one. Would it be that a closet is cleaned out and re-organized? Ask for it.
Even take a simple errand, something in the past where you might have called him on his cell phone on the way home and say "Oh, honey, I just realized we are out of milk, can you stop by the store?" Change that to a demand. Playfully. The call would instead be,
"Hello my pet. I want a half gallon of milk, and I want you to go get it, on your way home. Understand? Do not let me down."
Once you get more used to making you demands you can try adding a serious tone. In other words, you are not requesting he fulfills a task. You are telling him how, when, where, and what the results should be.
Again, check with your partner to see how he feels about this. I have found that most men like more detailed instructions if they are being given demands. And if they don't get that, they ask follow up questions, and that starts to get on my nerves. I am not sure why some do this. They say it is because "I just want to make sure I get it right" and I suppose that is understandable, but sometimes I think they just want more demands to stretch out the fantasy.
This can be avoided by proactively being detailed in your demands, being specific and almost taking it to a level that seems extreme. Remember, he is relishing in the moment that you take a normal request and make it into a *demand*. So that means the more words that come from you, the more he is sinking deeper into a place where he's thrilled. Make a game out of it. Remember that milk example? Two versions of it:
Demand style one:
"My pet. Get milk on the way home, understand?"
Demand style two, with more flair:
"My pet. How are you? Good. I have a demand for you. And don't think you can say no. I want you to stop and get milk on the way home. I want a half gallon, and I want you to check the expiration date on it and don't get me something that is going to expire soon. I want you to also go pick up a magazine, I feel like reading something. But make sure it is something I will enjoy"
(or, change the "added demand" to something simple that will please you. Tell him to stop and buy an inexpensive bouquet of flowers they sell at the store. Or a pint of ice cream. )
It is important to remember, as you give a demand, that you do not need to be a bitch, but often men respond to a stern tone. Remember, this is not you BEING bitchy, or being FAKE. This is playful. You can pick your own style. You can be cool and steady in your tone, you can be a smiling type, cooing a little, indulging in the control.
So, in summary, if you turn a normal request into a demand he will feel more as though he is providing a service to you - not just doing a quick favor for his partner. That changes his mindset, and helps scratch that itch he has.
Now, to the next part.

There must be an acknowledgement of the act to show the man you KNEW it was a demand, you demanded it, and he did it. When he returns with the milk, you check the expiration date (he is nervous), you nod in approval, and you perhaps follow up with a few questions. You must remind him that you did not write this off as a quick request and practically forgot about it. After all, this is a demand - something YOU wanted.
What happens if you don't do this? In some cases, the man might push for it. "I got you the milk." If no response, he might continue to bring it up. The unknowing woman might be getting annoyed.
 And finally, the last part….
A reward, at the minimal, is a "thank you." Many women with submissive husbands who are trying to play the role think that "thank you" is adequate. And you may wonder why it is not. Well, it goes back to his wiring, and again, making the act more of a longer, more involved process for him - and in his insatiable "desire to serve" probably the single most motivating factor for him is *knowing he made his lady happy*
It's pretty hard to get excited about a half gallon of milk. I'm not suggesting you glorify the moment. But depending on the nature of the act (did he pick up some milk? Did he mow the lawn and he is a sweaty mess? Did he fix you a fantastic bath?) - you should display some sort of "affectionate reward" - still, in that commanding tone. Playful, yet confident, if you like. Or stern, approving. A pat on the head (some men are very fond of things like that), a slap on the tush, or an actual reward. This is different from the kind of appreciation you are used to showing. While I am sure he would enjoy it, the response "I am so grateful for that, thank you, you really helped me" …..if you appeal to his servant side, his fantasy of you being commanding, a more scintillating comment may be, "What a good boy you are. You did exactly as I told you."
Final thoughts
Ladies, if your partner has indicated he likes this kind of behavior from you, you need to sample various ways to approach it, communicate with him on which ones push his buttons and find out which ones really push yours. Know that you do not have to do this all the time. Do it when it suits you.
Try to come up with a few tasks that you would appreciate being handled, and dish them out to him. Or make him indulge you on the things you enjoy, but instead of having him nag you if you want them (when he's trying to be proactive and helpful), head him off at the pass and demand them.

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