Tuesday 25 December 2012


I was locked all day today.
Lots of sexy cuddles from me to her (I hope I wasn't a pest or coming on too strong) hopefully in time she will do the same back to me, a quick sexy cuddle is such a tease in itself.

Nighttime she put on one of my favourite sexy tops, I gave her pleasure, she teased me whilst I was still securely locked. The key was in another room, she didn't bring it with her making it fairly clear to me I wasn't getting out tonight.

After our bit of fun she told me I would stay locked until New Years Eve.
Thats fine with me, the longest I've gone without orgasm was 8 weeks, what makes it different this time is I'm away for a night later in the week. Normally she doesn't like to send me away locked up, obviously this is sweet of her as she cares for me in case something happened whilst I was away but of course being set free whilst away somewhat does away with the concept of chastity and her control.

Being sent away locked brings the game to a new level, it also seems to indicate a new level of determination and control from her.

Very exciting :-)

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