Wednesday 3 October 2012


The day has arrived, tonight it's lock up time.
I love being locked, I'm a better husband to my wife when I am and I think she likes being in control.
She seems to be excited by have me locked and it rekindles passion in her.

Trouble is I've been pleasuring myself in preparation for the lock down. It could be months until my next release so I've been making the most of my free time :-)

It works in a very strange way, when I've not orgasmed for a few days the idea of being locked is hot and sexy, I think of all the benefits and how it seems to improve our relationship, when I've recently cum it feels like such a bad idea an I get cold feet.....

Thats probably why it hasn't worked before. I suppose if my wife liked having me locked that much she would make sure I put it on, so we will wait and see.........

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