Monday 1 October 2012

The game is about to start

We have played with chastity on and off for a number of years.
Some games have lasted longer than others. The longest I've gone without an orgasm was just over 3 months. It was a year or so ago.

The main problem we have is getting me back in after the device is removed. My keyholder is not the whip wheedling dominatrix she is a loving wife. It is hard for her to be tough on me because so loves me so much.
She does enjoy playing the game and a change happens to her when I'm locked. She loves teasing me and I think she loves having control and power over me.
The game is due to start Wednesday this week. I am going to be teased, allowed to orgasm then locked down for a length of time yet to be determined.
My wife is going to put a number of different lengths of lock up time on some pieces of paper and we will draw from a hat.
This to me is a tease in its self as I do not know what is going to be put on the paper and how many of each one is going in. She could put 10 pieces of paper in there all with 6 months written on them, then say oh dear you got 6 months......
For this to work she will need to dispose of the papers after the game without me having the opportunity to have a sneaky look (which I would do give the chance) then I will never know if it was fate or an example of the control she has over me.
To try and keep me in the device she is going to lock a cuff on my arm every time my chastity belt is removed that way we can be sure I put it back on to get the cuff taken off my arm.

I am very excited looking forward to my tease, orgasm and the new game.

I've got a knot in my stomach, how long will I get? 1 month, 3 months? More???

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