Tuesday 25 December 2012

A chastity journey

Let me give you a brief overview of our journey so far.
My husband suggested chastity about five years ago, we played all of the various games, however over time we always lost interest.
This was either because we both got busy, I couldn't be bothered to make sure he was locked or he reached the end of the game and avoided being locked up again.
Well in some ways they were all valid reasons however it prevented us both achieving the most from chastity.
I realize now it boils down to too simple thing things, I want him to be more attentive such as cuddles and help around the house and he wanted me to be attentive, such as me dressing up sexy more often and me initiating sex rather than him always taking the lead.
These both needs are a fair way apart but chastity brings the together.
A couple of years ago he suggested we should try again, I agreed to play as I liked the attention chastity gave me.
We had played many times before but for some reason this time something inside me just clicked. I was much more demanding, do this for me get that for me etc and he seemed to respond so well that it pushed me on demanding more and more.
We had and agreed release date and the big day arrived, trouble is I was in a bad mood, not his fault just one of those things.
We started out with the session as we had many times before, me dressed up all sexy him lying there begging for it, then I thought this is supposed to be all about me and yet here I am doing on the work.
In reflection this is probably unfair of me as he had waited on me hand and foot for two months, but I had given him the odd treat and as I said I was in a bad mood.
It was at this point when I just snapped inside, I thought to hell with this I know where this is going, he will have his fun, then I will struggle to get him locked back up as he will lose interest, then after a couple of days I will lose interest as well, my perfect attentive husband will be gone and we will be back to the old ways.
So I said to him, let me know when you get close because I have a surprise for you, he told me I'm close so I stopped.
I said I wanted to lock him back and I would like to give him a treat tomorrow.
After some moaning and whining he agreed.
That then confirmed it for me, he was going to have his fun and it would be over.
The next day I dressed up again really sexy, probably better than the day before, partly because my mood was better and partly because I had a plan.
By this time he had been locked up for nearly 2 months, as you could imagine, he was gagging for it so to speak!
I stood there took a deep breath and told him I wasn't letting him have his orgasm, straight away he started to protest and there was some genuine anger in his voice. I said he had better calm down otherwise I would make him wait another month.
He said that next time I let him out to go to work he would do the deed, I said that seeing as that was his attitude I wasn't going to let him out.
Much argument from him ensued, I said to him I was not talking anymore and he would just have to accept it, it was his idea to play the game and it was his idea to give me control and he should accept the fact is was taking control.
I walked out of the room and went to watch TV.
Some time later he appeared and apologized for he attitude and actions, It seemed really funny to me as he stood their like a naughty school boy.
I didn't really believe my luck, I really though I would have to let him out and that was that, but here were him accepting my full control of him.
Things continued much as they had before, he was very attentive carrying out all of my instructions and I was giving him the odd full on tease night every couple of weeks, though I always kept him locked up.
He said he had been true to me and he hadn't cheated when I let him out of the cage to go too work, but I couldn't be sure.
After some research on the web, which I would like to add took sometime, there is so much rubbish on the web about chastity most of it leather wearing dominatrix which is so much fantasy, but I digress, I found a company who made a device called chastity tubes.
The principle was simple it was a very small short tube which went over his penis and was locked on with a piercing.
I wasn't overly happy with the though of getting him pierced, to be honest it seemed almost a step to far but the fact I could have him locked 24/7 and not have to keep letting him out for work really excited me.
I saved the link on the computer and decide to discuss it with him.
I made sure this was on a tease night to ensure he would be in the best mood and most likely to agree.
He wasn't very keen and keep coming up with what seemed to me to be excuses.
In the end I got angry and accused him of making excuses, I said if you have not been cheating on me what's the problem? You have already gone 3 months? His eyes flicked to the ground and I realized he was lying he had been cheating.
I was really pissed of, there was me getting dressed up all sexy, buying new outfits and he was cheating.
I gave him the choice either we got a new device or the chastity play would stop.
I suddenly realized what I had said, what if he really wouldn't agree, by this time I was getting more pleasure from the game than him.
I'm not sure why I doubted myself, there was I dressed up all sexy, he didn't really even have a choice he had far too much to lose.
So by the end of the week the new device was on order and by the end of the month he was pierced.
It took a further 5 weeks before he could start wearing the new device full time as the piercing needed time to heal.
That was all over a year ago.
Now I remove the device once a week and supervise while he gives himself a good clean, other than that the amount effort I have to put in has diminished greatly, he gets a tease night now maybe once a month, sometimes more if I'm horney.
His last orgasm was about 4 months ago and counting.
He used to go on about chastity all of the time and he used to pester me for treats, now that the game is permanent we both seem to have reached another level in our relationship.
Often my girlfriends comment on how wonderful my husband is and how he treats my like a princess, I almost feel guilty not sharing my secret.
I am sure many people like me started out in the journey, but very few make it as far as we have.
My story though rambling at times is offered as encouragement that the initial benefits can last and with a bit of work a new lifestyle awaits.

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