Tuesday 8 January 2013

8/1 Update

I've been locked for a few days and I've been good so far this week, I received a text message today "Friday night we will get takeaway have a bottle of wine then tease time" Wow what a great message to receive out of the blue, it made my day.

Seems like she is interested in playing the game not just doing it to keep me happy.

I texted back and thanked her, then I asked how long I would be locked for as we haven't yet set a release date, there was a long pause before the reply so I knew she was giving it some careful thought, she replied with valentines day. Again wow that's six weeks away and we've already been playing for 2. A total of 8 weeks if we can keep it going.
It will be a challenge for me but in a good way, in the past she was always to lenient, I expected the reply to be something like this weekend, another really positive change.

I'm not sure if I have explained before, at the moment I'm only locked in the evenings and weekends. This is due to the bulkiness of my device.
It's not a problem as such but often in the past I've not put it back on and she has forgotten, leaving me unlocked and often bringing and end to the game.
Imagine my surprise when she texts me as I'm about to leave work "If you don't lock up any night this week as soon as you get in the forfeit will be no tease on Friday" What a great idea she is turning the responsibility onto me and by failing to comply I will lose a very pleasurable tease.

Feels like she is finding her feet with things, I am so pleased and reinvigorated with the game. It could be true what they say about careful what you wish for.......Perhaps I'm creating a monster.......

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