Thursday 17 January 2013

17/1 Update

Just a short update.
I'm still locked, things are going very well.
We've had lots of conversations and she is very happy playing the game.
She still needs a bit of reassurance every now and then, it's almost as if she feels guilty about all what she gets whilst in her perception I'm getting very little.
I reassure her that I'm very happy and I enjoy the teasing and cuddles etc.

Today was interesting I locked up last night and left the keys next to her bed, this is part of the normal rule she has set up. She was busy getting ready this morning, I went upstairs to collect the empty glasses and I thought with the amount of rushing around she was doing there was no way she would have remembered to put my key in the lock box.
Imagine my shock when I went up there and it was gone.
I here you say why so surprised? Well in the past we've played well for a few days then she kept leaving the keys laying around (read earlier posts).

It was a pleasant surprise, then the realisation really hit me, I'm locked in a custom made metal device that I can't get off if I want too. She has total control and she is playing the game seriously !
I sent her a text when she had gone.
Her reply..........Ha ha xx

Perhaps I am in trouble?
Perhaps I am creating a monster?

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