Thursday 17 January 2013

17/1 Update

Just a short update.
I'm still locked, things are going very well.
We've had lots of conversations and she is very happy playing the game.
She still needs a bit of reassurance every now and then, it's almost as if she feels guilty about all what she gets whilst in her perception I'm getting very little.
I reassure her that I'm very happy and I enjoy the teasing and cuddles etc.

Today was interesting I locked up last night and left the keys next to her bed, this is part of the normal rule she has set up. She was busy getting ready this morning, I went upstairs to collect the empty glasses and I thought with the amount of rushing around she was doing there was no way she would have remembered to put my key in the lock box.
Imagine my shock when I went up there and it was gone.
I here you say why so surprised? Well in the past we've played well for a few days then she kept leaving the keys laying around (read earlier posts).

It was a pleasant surprise, then the realisation really hit me, I'm locked in a custom made metal device that I can't get off if I want too. She has total control and she is playing the game seriously !
I sent her a text when she had gone.
Her reply..........Ha ha xx

Perhaps I am in trouble?
Perhaps I am creating a monster?

Friday 11 January 2013

11/1 Update

Tonight was a special tease night.
I have been looking forward to it all week, though I wasn't too sure what to expect.
I did think about giving her some ideas but that would undermine her position and be a little bit like topping from the bottom so I decided just to go with the flow.

Well I was glad I did, she gave me an excellent tease, the best ever. She thought it through and it was amazing.
She is getting very confident with the game which is great and she really knows how to press my buttons.

I thanked your for an amazing experience. She really enjoyed herself and said to why doesn't everyone play this game.
A clear sign that she is become hooked.

Thursday 10 January 2013


Sometimes it does feel as though if they were squeezed enough this could happen.

I wonder

10/1 Update

It's been another good couple of days. No physical teasing as such, a few nice cuddles and very passionate kisses.

Yesterday she texted me on the way home from work to remind me to lock up as soon as I get in or there will be no special tease on Friday.
Today she didn't mention anything, I came home a thought to myself I had better lock up just in case she's does remember though I was a bit disappointed she hadn't mentioned anything.
Well I was wrong at 7.30 she said "have you got it on? You know the rules if you haven't no tease tomorrow"
It was a test, I was so glad I had put it on otherwise I would have missed out, very cleaver of her, now every night I will lock up without her having to remind me.
I must admit when she didn't mention anything to start with I thought the game had come to an end again, I was so glad it was a test though, I guess I am a little concerned how well she is doing :-)
I said to her you are playing very seriously at the moment, her reply was "I am, very seriously, you should be worried!"

OMG, a mixed emotion for me of happiness, excitement and fear all at once.

Very good tease

I said I would let you enter me tonight, I never said how far and I never said I was going to remove you device

I love this outfit

Tuesday 8 January 2013

8/1 Update

I've been locked for a few days and I've been good so far this week, I received a text message today "Friday night we will get takeaway have a bottle of wine then tease time" Wow what a great message to receive out of the blue, it made my day.

Seems like she is interested in playing the game not just doing it to keep me happy.

I texted back and thanked her, then I asked how long I would be locked for as we haven't yet set a release date, there was a long pause before the reply so I knew she was giving it some careful thought, she replied with valentines day. Again wow that's six weeks away and we've already been playing for 2. A total of 8 weeks if we can keep it going.
It will be a challenge for me but in a good way, in the past she was always to lenient, I expected the reply to be something like this weekend, another really positive change.

I'm not sure if I have explained before, at the moment I'm only locked in the evenings and weekends. This is due to the bulkiness of my device.
It's not a problem as such but often in the past I've not put it back on and she has forgotten, leaving me unlocked and often bringing and end to the game.
Imagine my surprise when she texts me as I'm about to leave work "If you don't lock up any night this week as soon as you get in the forfeit will be no tease on Friday" What a great idea she is turning the responsibility onto me and by failing to comply I will lose a very pleasurable tease.

Feels like she is finding her feet with things, I am so pleased and reinvigorated with the game. It could be true what they say about careful what you wish for.......Perhaps I'm creating a monster.......

Sunday 6 January 2013

Dressed up for release night

He's been locked for 3 months.
Seeing her all dressed ready for him with his key makes every day of the wait worth it, he knows he's in for a great night.

The worry in the back of his mind is, how long will she make him wait for his next release? 4 months? 5 months? More?

It's seems unfair, but its what we agreed

6/1 Update

It's been a bit up and down recently.
She left the keys lying around twice before new year. New Years Eve was the worst, they were left on my bedside table.

I let myself out as I was so disappointed that my gift was, what felt like to me being disrespected. I've asked a couple of times to talk it through but we've both been busy.

She assured me today that she does want to continue the game. She also asked that I install a combination key box out of the way somewhere for her to keep the keys. I have done this and presently I am locked back up.

I didn't cheat whilst I was out (it was close a couple of times) so tomorrow marks my second week without orgasm.
I think my denial period will be until valentines which will be seven weeks.

I am so happy to be locked back up.
Let's hope we can build up a routine and stay on track.