Monday 22 October 2012

Funny story

I came across this the other day. It made me smile.

"Happy Easter"

Easter Sunday marked the end of Lent. 73 days ago I set the date of Chris’s next orgasm. At the time it seemed like an impossible stretch for him to manage, but the time has flown by. At least it has for me LOL ! Lent is about self denial and I decided that the end of Lent would be a suitable day for his next release.

It’s been a hectic past 2 ½ months, at work and at play. Although I had locked Chris before and after we married last August, He hadn’t had a ‘proper’ long period of denial that would give both of us the thrill (physical and emotional) we craved.

This long term denial dynamic has changed chastity for me and Chris. I no longer relyed on my husband for sex as I did, I have found a number of new ways to pleasure myself. I still desire oral and massage from Chris, they’re becoming more of a fallback. This is a very subtle, shifting change. In no way do I love or want Chris any less, and our play is hotter than ever. But in pure sex terms, it feels different.

Chastity has become less of a sex game and more of a ‘way of life’ now. It’s how Chris wanted to live (or, more accurately, how he wanted to be made to live) and now I wouldn't have it any other way. Although he enjoys a range of play and my domination of him, chastity is the most important ingredient of our marriage for him (whereas that’s not strictly true for me). 73 days was very tough, but he said just now he feels like a keen jogger who’s completed a marathon. Exhausted, aching but proud.

A few days before the Big Day, I began to think about how I could make today's orgasm ‘special’. I even posted a question asking for suggestions in the Enforced Chastity group on Fetlife. I wanted it to be special, in the sense of memorable. However, I had an idea that I’d kept secret from Chris, I purchased a plastic doll online and took delivery without him knowing.

Yesterday (Saturday), Chris and I attended the joint 40th birthday of old friends of ours. It was a fabulous sunny day and we had a great time. Although my writing on here focuses on the kink part of my life, I enjoy our vanilla social circle of friends every bit as much. Today (Easter Sunday) at lunchtime we went for a pub meal by the river in London. Warm weather always make me feel sexier than winter chill, and the unseasonably hot period we’ve been having in England has really got my libido spiced up ! I drank white wine, Chris had lime and soda (he’s banned from booze for a year – and he was driving anyway).

When we got home, I took a Cialis 20 mg tablet out of the drawer and gave it to Chris to swallow. There’s a lot of BS spoken about Viagra and Cialis by those who don’t know. It doesn’t make a guy horny or automatically erect. But it does make him super-stiff, super-sensitive and gives him staying power. Cialis is not cheap and we keep them for rare occasions.

It was time for Chris’s treat, he undressed and stood at the end of our bed and I made a great ceremony of removing his chastity tube.

Chris started to jack his cock hard. I took over control and instructed Chris to slow-stroke himself; slower, faster, stop, left handed, right handed, etc. I continued edge play for a while. Then it was time for my surprise !

I went to my wardrobe and produced ‘Vanessa’. She’s a life size doll I bought online (plug for – efficient, discreet service). Chris’s expression was a picture ! He and I’d never discussed blow up dolls before and the idea just came to me out of the blue a couple of weeks ago. I placed her on the bed and patted the sheet. I told Chris to put his fingers in my pussy to get the juices to lubricate his partner’s imitation hole. Then I said he had only one minute to make himself cum until I locked him back up.

I have to say, it was genuinely hysterical. Vibrators are one thing but dolls bring a whole new meaning to the words ‘sex toy’. But Chris wasn’t worried, I guess he was so desperate he just balanced precariously over the legless, big-boobed fake woman and jiggled his erection into the tight slit. I’d planned to force myself to giggle loudly at him but I couldn't help laughing at Chris’s bouncing bottom anyway, without any need to pretend. In under 50 seconds, he let out an enormous groan.

It’s an irony to me that, although I’ve learned to love our chastity play, I enjoy watching Chris cum almost as much as denying him. I’ve always liked that moment when men lose themselves in ecstasy. I cuddled him while he slowly came down to earth after his excitement.

But then I gave him my ‘coup de grace’. I told him to cum again, sloppy seconds inside his rubber doll. His eyes stared at me in shock, then gradual realisation. We’ve agreed that his target for 2012 is a maximum of 9 orgasms. By allowing him 2 of them today, he utilised a double dose of his annual allowance.

It’s now 8 p.m. Chris is locked back up and we about to curl up and watch a movie together. Tomorrow is a Bank Holiday here and we’re going to spend it in vanilla, loving fashion. My only question, nagging at the back of my brain, is when does Chris get to cum next? And will it be with me or Vanessa?

Friday 19 October 2012

Tied 2

This makes it a bit clearer, she is probably saying "I know you been locked for a month and I know tonight was supposed to be your release night but now I have a strap on to satisfy me, which is twice as long and twice as thick as you I don't see the need to let you out. You are now so attentive I worry if I let you cum you will go back to your old selfish ways. Perhaps if you are good and you beg enough I will let you out next month"

Tied 1

Tied and teased, I wonder what she is saying to him?

Thursday 4 October 2012

It wasn't to be

I was hoping this was going to be me in the picture, serving my wife, being under her control but unfortunately it wasn't to be.
My wife has been very busy and is very tired, she forgot to lock me up. I waited Wednesday but nothing.
Part of me was glad, part of me was sad.

No mention of it from her since the text a couple of days ago.

My conclusions can only be;

1 - She not really into the game and only plays for me
2 - She was to tired and forgot

I will have to wait and see, time will tell.........

Wednesday 3 October 2012


The day has arrived, tonight it's lock up time.
I love being locked, I'm a better husband to my wife when I am and I think she likes being in control.
She seems to be excited by have me locked and it rekindles passion in her.

Trouble is I've been pleasuring myself in preparation for the lock down. It could be months until my next release so I've been making the most of my free time :-)

It works in a very strange way, when I've not orgasmed for a few days the idea of being locked is hot and sexy, I think of all the benefits and how it seems to improve our relationship, when I've recently cum it feels like such a bad idea an I get cold feet.....

Thats probably why it hasn't worked before. I suppose if my wife liked having me locked that much she would make sure I put it on, so we will wait and see.........

Tuesday 2 October 2012


I received a text this morning "It starts tom night after a little treat if you show any resistance after your treat a weeks penalty will be added to the length you pick out the hat! I will decide as we go along the penalties if you pester or don't do what you are meant to have done but you will be given 1 warning prior to them coming in to effect! Treats will be awarded as and when xx"

Looks like she is looking forward to locking me up as much as I like her being in control. The text made my mind race, excitement, fear, horneyness....... More fear.......

Some of the fear is losing control and some is if she locks me up and forgets about me.

Monday 1 October 2012

The game is about to start

We have played with chastity on and off for a number of years.
Some games have lasted longer than others. The longest I've gone without an orgasm was just over 3 months. It was a year or so ago.

The main problem we have is getting me back in after the device is removed. My keyholder is not the whip wheedling dominatrix she is a loving wife. It is hard for her to be tough on me because so loves me so much.
She does enjoy playing the game and a change happens to her when I'm locked. She loves teasing me and I think she loves having control and power over me.
The game is due to start Wednesday this week. I am going to be teased, allowed to orgasm then locked down for a length of time yet to be determined.
My wife is going to put a number of different lengths of lock up time on some pieces of paper and we will draw from a hat.
This to me is a tease in its self as I do not know what is going to be put on the paper and how many of each one is going in. She could put 10 pieces of paper in there all with 6 months written on them, then say oh dear you got 6 months......
For this to work she will need to dispose of the papers after the game without me having the opportunity to have a sneaky look (which I would do give the chance) then I will never know if it was fate or an example of the control she has over me.
To try and keep me in the device she is going to lock a cuff on my arm every time my chastity belt is removed that way we can be sure I put it back on to get the cuff taken off my arm.

I am very excited looking forward to my tease, orgasm and the new game.

I've got a knot in my stomach, how long will I get? 1 month, 3 months? More???