Saturday 18 July 2015

18/7/2015 Update

I've got to my 15 points. 
I was hoping tonight would be tease night but it wasn't to be. 

I'm trying to be more attentive and I'm trying not to top from the bottom. 

So what's going well so far?

I've been locked 24/7 for a week. 

When I've given her pleasure she's played with me whilst locked. 

Once she orgasmed she stop playing with me and is strict on not giving me any more. She's adamant that any long teasing is for tease night.  

What's not so good;

She not being as demanding as I think she could be. 

I would like to go more to please her e.g have a list of tasks to do. 

There isn't much verbal teasing or mention of me being locked.
A verbal tease would be such a turn on. 
I'm cautious to mention anything as I don't want her to feel like I'm pressuring her. 

So far so good. 
This time I'm playing things very slowly to not cause and hassle for her. 
So far I still don't know how long she intends on keeping me locked. Maybe I'll find out at my first tease........
I'm not sure if she hasn't decided yet or she keeping me in suspense on purpose. 
I would imagine is the first as in the past she has been conflicted about taking control and had issues of feeling guilty denying me. 

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Tease night

I would like her to say on tease night

"You have been very good this week and got to your 15 points. 

I am going to give you a little reward.

Go and run me a bath, then while I am in having it go and get out a sexy out fit for me.

Don’t think I’m going to give you an orgasm, I’m not even letting you out of your chastity cage.

Once I am out of the bath you get to dress me up in the outfit you have chosen, then if I feel like it you may pleasure me."

15/7/2015 Update

Wow it's been a longtime. 
We've played a couple of times since I last posted here but nothing serious. 

I bought a better device for 24/7 use and it's been tested a couple of times. 
Currently we are at 4 days of 24/7 lock up, the frustration is building in me but I'm trying hard to keep it under control and to not pester. 

Hopefully this time we can keep things going longer than before, our main failure before was not always making sure I locked up after removing the device. 
She has said this time I will be staying locked for "sometime" at the moment I'm not sure how long that is. 
We are building the rules as we go rather than starting with a predetermined set. 
So far we have;

Device is 24/7 I have to have something locked to my arm prior to removal to ensure I put it back on. 

15 points for a tease session. 
Points are given for good deeds and removed for bad. 
Device will not be removed at the tease session. 

Both of these are good, it was me who would fail to lock back up and her who was not strong willed enough to force me.  
Not sure how I will feel about locked teases in a couple of months time but I only have myself to blame. 

Saturday 29 June 2013

28/6 Dice numbers

Good dice results

1 = He chooses outfit for her to dress up in
2 = Release date reduced by 2 weeks
3 = He is handcuffed to bed while she teases but he can not touch her and she decides how long, it could be 5 mins, it could be 50 mins  
4 = Release date reduced by 4 weeks
5 = After he has pleasured her, He gets to enter her once for every week locked
6 = Release date reduced by 6 weeks and double tease

Bad dice results

1 = No tease tonight
2 = Release date increased by 2 weeks
3 = Roll dice again number rolled is number of strikes, She will whip his bum, any hits that do not leave a red mark do not count
4 = Release date increased by 4 weeks
5 = He is tied naked on all 4s to the radiator in shower room for minimum of 30 mins while she watches TV or reads
6 = Release date increased by 6 weeks and no tease for 2 weeks

28/6 Update

I'm at 32 days but still not locked properly :-( very disappointing.

We been talking things through and have come up with some good rules.

Every Friday she throws a dice. 
There are 2 sets of outcomes, good or bad. It depends on how she thinks I have been the previous 7 days.

Last Friday she said I had been good and bad so she threw one of each, I thought this was very cleaver of her.

We seem to make such good progress and she has some great ideas but for some reason she can't seem to take responsibility for keeping me locked