Saturday 29 June 2013

28/6 Dice numbers

Good dice results

1 = He chooses outfit for her to dress up in
2 = Release date reduced by 2 weeks
3 = He is handcuffed to bed while she teases but he can not touch her and she decides how long, it could be 5 mins, it could be 50 mins  
4 = Release date reduced by 4 weeks
5 = After he has pleasured her, He gets to enter her once for every week locked
6 = Release date reduced by 6 weeks and double tease

Bad dice results

1 = No tease tonight
2 = Release date increased by 2 weeks
3 = Roll dice again number rolled is number of strikes, She will whip his bum, any hits that do not leave a red mark do not count
4 = Release date increased by 4 weeks
5 = He is tied naked on all 4s to the radiator in shower room for minimum of 30 mins while she watches TV or reads
6 = Release date increased by 6 weeks and no tease for 2 weeks

28/6 Update

I'm at 32 days but still not locked properly :-( very disappointing.

We been talking things through and have come up with some good rules.

Every Friday she throws a dice. 
There are 2 sets of outcomes, good or bad. It depends on how she thinks I have been the previous 7 days.

Last Friday she said I had been good and bad so she threw one of each, I thought this was very cleaver of her.

We seem to make such good progress and she has some great ideas but for some reason she can't seem to take responsibility for keeping me locked

Wednesday 19 June 2013

19/6 Update

Unfortunately she left the key out yesterday evening. I was very disappointed, I'm at 21 days and the temptation to cheat now is very strong.

I took it off with the key and slept the night free.

My will power was good, I didn't cheat.

She made it up to me tonight with a good tease and we are back on track.

I hope she doesn't leave it out again :-(

Monday 17 June 2013

Good way to cool it down to get chastity cage back on

17/6 Update

It's still going well.
We had great cuddles last night, pleasure for her and tease for me.
I was let out this morning to go to work, that is then when it normally goes wrong she normally forgets to make sure I lock up when I get home. 
Not tonight, as soon as I got it "go lock up" 

Looks like we are back on track......

Saturday 15 June 2013

Another great key on an ankle chain

It could be an interesting punishment for bad behaviour

15/6 Update

So we seem to be back on track. I've been locked for the past 3 day, also I was a bit rude to her tonight so she added 2 days to my release date.
I love it when she does something like that, I enjoy seeing her using the power I have given her over me.

Lets see how we go over the next few days 

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Hours of fun for her

She looks like she means it

Chastity key on a necklace is so sexy

Sorry it’s been a while

Sorry it’s been a while since I posted. Our last session ended on Valentine in February, so we played for about 8 weeks in all.
It that time she was very good, she made sure I was locked up as much as possible and she really got into the tease and denial. She also go very used to demanding what she wanted and using threat of no tease or extra time locked to get what she wanted. All in all it was a great time. Release night was excellent, she made it really special for me………

So why the no posting for a long time? Well we slipped back into normal vanilla.

I’m not too sure why, the plan as to allow me freedom for a week or so then lock back up. I got ill and she didn’t have the heart to force me back in, one thing led to another, life got busy and time has flown.

So why the post now? Well we are supposed to be playing again…..

Why would I say we are supposed to be rather than we are?
Well we started talking about playing again a month or so ago, on and off we talked and she really wanted to play. Very similar to last time there were a couple of times where we I had last orgasms but then I chickened out of locking up and she never forced me. This happened a couple of times.
We agreed one last time and there was no backing out, she would make sure I was locked no excuses.
The night came, everything was great. She teased me and she said she wouldn’t let me know how long I was to be denied for until after I had cum, I though t that was an excellent move on her behalf. Sometimes she plays the game like an expert.

She later said the lock up time would be 3 months, WOW I was impressed, I always wanted her to be tougher with her demands, This felt to me like a big step forward. I know she finds it hard being in control and being dominant. The strange thing is I long to please her, so the more she demands of me and the more I do things for her the happier we both are. For example when she lets me give her pleasure whilst I’m locked it makes me so happy I can’t explain why, she seems to have much more intense orgasms when I’m pleasuring her whilst I’m locked so she must get some sort of extra pleasure out of being in control. When I offer her pleasure and she says she doesn’t want any my heart sinks.

It was all good, I was locked for a few days then I had to take a flight. The device came off and since she hasn’t really been interested in playing.
Things in our life are really busy and I appreciate that, so far its been 2 weeks, I’ve been true to the game but I don’t think I can hold out much longer unless she takes control. I’ve emailed her twice about it but neither time did she reply.

Really disappointed, it was difficult last year to get things going, but once we were off we were off and it was great for both of us.

I’m sure she wants to play as she was so keen when we discussed it a month or so ago, I’ve tried to talk but she doesn’t reply, I’ve locked up and left the key but when I come back its in the same place. I